HACA’s free Section 8 HCV “For Rent” Directory
Support Veterans
Through the VASH program, staff from the Veterans Administration (VA), in conjunction with HACA, refer Veterans who are looking for housing to you and provide ongoing support to you and the Veteran. If you would like to learn more about how the VASH program can help you find qualified tenants, saving money on advertising costs, as well as time, click here. To view our payment standards click HERE. We are especially in need of rental units for our VASH participants and participants in need of units with mobility, hearing and visually accessibility features.
The Housing Authority of the County of Alameda’s (HACA’s) free online “For Rent” Directory is the only rental listings directory targeted to Section 8 HCVP participants in HACA’s jurisdiction. The directory is a partnership between HACA and AffordableHousing.com, the only nation-wide rental directory targeted to Section 8 HVCP participants.
Click HERE to list your available rentals in the HACA “For Rent” Directory; click HERE to learn more about the benefits of listing rentals on the Directory. You may also list your property via fax by completing a Property Listing Form.
GoSection8.com has changed its name to AffordableHousing.com. If you have questions about your AffordableHousing.com account or AffordableHousing.com services, please call their customer service center at 1-866-466-7328.
Section 8 Participants
GoSection8.com has changed its name to AffordableHousing.com. Click HERE to view currently available rentals in HACA’s jurisdiction and nationwide online at AffordableHousing.com.
You may also download a copy of the Weekly Rental Listing and Rental Listing Attachment. The Weekly Rental Listing is generated weekly, generally on Mondays, and the Rental Listing Attachment is updated monthly.
3/10/2025 Rental Listing 3/10/2025 Rental Listing AccessibleNote: HACA’s Rental Listings Directory is provided as a free service to landlords and Section 8 HCVP Program participants to facilitate the leasing of rental units under the Section 8 program. Properties on this directory have NOT been pre-approved by HACA. The asking rents listed by landlords may be higher than HACA limits. HACA can only approve rents that are not more than rents for similar units in the same neighborhood or general area. Units must meet HACA’s Housing Quality Standards.
SCAM ALERT!! Do not pay a fee/deposit just to view a unit or to be placed on a waitlist for a unit. Do not pay a fee/deposit to have keys mailed to you in order to view a unit.
Non-Section 8 Persons Looking for Housing
For information on privately-owned affordable housing that may have open waitlists and/or are currently accepting applications visit our Other Housing Resources page.