Voucher Utilization

As of 1/1/2025, HACA currently administers 7,315 vouchers through numerous HUD Housing Choice voucher/HCV (Section 8) Programs that provide assistance for low-income families.

As of 1/1/2025, HACA had a total of 6,943 leased vouchers and 132 vouchers issued to those who were actively searching for a housing unit. The number of vouchers that HACA has leased and issued depends on a variety of factors, including available voucher funding, vacancies in existing project-based voucher (PBV) units under contract, future PBV units that have been awarded but are not yet under contract, and leasing priorities for specific programs.

The following sections show the status of vouchers by HCV program. Numbers include both tenant-based vouchers and project-based vouchers (PBVs) under contract. Allocated vouchers are the number of vouchers that HACA has been awarded by HUD for each specific program. Leased vouchers are the number of vouchers that are currently under contract in each program, meaning an individual/family is living in a unit that receives a housing assistance payment from HACA. Issued vouchers are vouchers that HACA has issued to applicants from the waitlist who are currently searching for a housing unit.

HCV Program: Standard HCV Program

  • Population Served: Very low-income families on HACA’s waitlist
As of 7/1/24As of 10/1/24As of 1/1/25
Allocated Vouchers6,3616,3616,361
Leased Vouchers6,2046,1746,253
Issued Vouchers (applicants Currently Searching)218207101

HCV Program: Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)

  • Population Served: Homeless veterans directly referred by HACA’s Veterans Administration partners
 As of 7/1/24As of 10/1/24As of 1/1/25
Allocated Vouchers395420420
Leased Vouchers273277282
Issued Vouchers (applicants Currently Searching)182016

HCV Program: Non-Elderly Disabled Persons (NED)

  • Population Served: Non-elderly persons with disabilities on HACA’s waitlist who are exiting care institutions
 As of 7/1/24As of 10/1/24As of 1/1/25
Allocated Vouchers101010
Leased Vouchers776
Issued Vouchers (applicants Currently Searching)000

HCV Program: Mainstream

  • Population Served: Non-elderly persons with disabilities on HACA’s waitlist
 As of 7/1/24As of 10/1/24As of 1/1/25
Allocated Vouchers289289289
Leased Vouchers179176180
Issued Vouchers (applicants Currently Searching)1124

HCV Program: Foster Youth to Independence (FYI)

  • Population Served: Youth ages 18-24 who are exiting foster care directly referred by HACA’s County partner
 As of 7/1/24As of 10/1/24As of 1/1/25
Allocated Vouchers62324
Leased Vouchers4411
Issued Vouchers (applicants Currently Searching)51210

HCV Program: Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program

  • Population Served: Limited program through American Recover Plan Act of 2021 that served persons who were homeless; at risk of homelessness; at high risk of housing instability; or fleeing circumstances related to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking. When participants leave this program, the voucher cannot be re-issued and the number of allocated vouchers is reduced. This program is no longer available and is closed to new applicants.
 As of 7/1/24As of 10/1/24As of 1/1/25
Allocated Vouchers222211211
Leased Vouchers219211211
Issued Vouchers (applicants Currently Searching)311

HCV Waitlist Data

HACA has not selected households from the waitlist during the current fiscal year, which began on 7/1/2024. HACA stopped selecting households from the waitlist in May 2024 and has not selected any households from the waitlist during the current fiscal year due to funding constraints. The chart below provides the number of households that were selected from the waitlist by quarter for the last twelve months:

4th Quarter Ending 6/30/241st Quarter Ending 9/30/242nd Quarter Ending 12/31/243rd Quarter Ending 3/31/25
Number of Households Selected from the HCV Waitlist300000

HACA has added 5,000 applicants to the HCV waitlist from HACA’s 2024 waitlist opening.  The charts below reflect the characteristics of current waitlist applicants:

Applicants Remaining on the HCV Waitlist1962345,212
Not Hispanic/Latino1461723,926
Declined to Report1720282
American Indian/Alaska Native alone1275
Asian alone2833754
Black/African American alone951162,381
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander alone33128
White alone34371,005
More than one race67289
Declined to Report2936580
Elderly and/or Disabled Head of Household4473780
Veteran in Household1065
Homeless household11171,463

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